10 tips to protect your home during the cold months.

12/19/20223 min read

10 Tips to Winterize Your Home

When the temperature begins to drop, consider these maintenance and end-of-season tasks that will help you winterize your home and protect your property. We’ve gathered 10 simple tips for tasks like winterizing your home water pipes, avoiding heat loss and expensive energy bills, and using warm air to your advantage so you can protect your home all winter long. Follow these steps to prepare your home for winter:

1. Clear the gutters.

Prevent ice build-up by cleaning out your gutters, installing gutter guards and making sure your attic floor is properly insulated. The attic should be well ventilated and approximately 10-15 degrees warmer than the temperature outside.

2. Protect the pipes.

One of the leading problems home owners face in the winter months. Protect against frozen pipes by insulating the ones that could be susceptible to freezing. When the temperature drops below freezing temps, it might be advantageous to keep a small stream of water running in a couple faucets to guard against freezing and bursting.

3. Put the hose away.

Remove all garden hoses that are attached to the house, drain them, and store them away. Shut off the valves and insulate the faucet. If you’re heading south for the winter, you need to take extra precautions. Turn the water completely off and consider having the plumbing system drained to keep pipes from freezing.


4. Install an emergency release.

Consider having an emergency pressure release valve installed in your plumbing system. This will help protect against increased pressure caused by freezing pipes and can prevent them from bursting. It’s also a good idea to learn how to shut the water off and know where your pipes are located.

5. Seal the cracks.

Cover (or caulk) holes and openings around windows, doors, air conditioners and mail chutes to help prevent cold air from getting in. You may also consider installing weather stripping and seals as an additional heat loss protection method.

6. Stop the slips, trips and falls.

Keep driveways and sidewalks clear of ice and snow. Repair any issues with steps and handrails. You can also plan ahead for winter weather by keeping deicing salt handy for sprinkling on steps, sidewalks and your driveway. Be sure to read the directions for proper distribution.

7. Keep it comfy.

Set your thermostat to around 65-70 degrees (F) and make sure your house or apartment is well-insulated. Consider installing an energy efficient or programmable thermostat to help you keep warm air in the rooms you use the most without racking up high energy bills.

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8. Have your heating system checked.

Furnaces, boilers and chimneys should be serviced at least once a year to clear any buildup and to keep them running efficiently. Make sure air filters are changed regularly for optimal performance.

9. Test your smoke/carbon monoxide detectors.

Residential fires are common in winter, so it is important that all your smoke detectors work. Check them regularly and replace batteries as needed. If you do not have one already, you should also highly consider installing a carbon monoxide detector.

10. Clear the yard.

Keep trees trimmed. Remove dead branches and debris from your yard. Ice, snow and wind can weaken trees and cause branches to fall and potentially damage your home, car, or even yourself and others.

Additional Pro Tip if Traveling:

Have a friend or neighbor check on your home regularly to look for any issues. If a problem is detected, act quickly to minimize potential damage to your property. Most home insurance policies cover damages due to extreme winter weather, but make sure you speak with one of our independent agents to answer any questions you have about your specific homeowners, condo or renters’ insurance policy.

This post is for informational and suggestion purposes only. Implementing these suggestions does not guarantee coverage. If any policy coverage descriptions in this article conflict with the language in the policy, the language in the policy applies. For full details on home insurance coverages and discounts, contact one of our local independent agents.

References: Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety (IBHS)